Available model settings

The following list of available settings is automatically created from the file settings.py in the Veros main folder. They are available as attributes of all instances of the Veros state class, e.g.:

>>> simulation = MyVerosSetup()
>>> vs = simulation.state
>>> print(vs.eq_of_state_type)
identifier = UNNAMED

Identifier of the current simulation

nx = 0

Grid points in zonal (x) direction

ny = 0

Grid points in meridional (y,j) direction

nz = 0

Grid points in vertical (z,k) direction

dt_mom = 0.0

Time step in seconds for momentum

dt_tracer = 0.0

Time step for tracers, can be larger than dt_mom

runlen = 0.0

Length of simulation in seconds

AB_eps = 0.1

Deviation from Adam-Bashforth weighting

coord_degree = False

either spherical (True) or cartesian (False) coordinates

enable_cyclic_x = False

enable cyclic boundary conditions

eq_of_state_type = 1

equation of state: 1: linear, 3: nonlinear with comp., 5: TEOS

enable_implicit_vert_friction = False

enable implicit vertical friction

enable_explicit_vert_friction = False

enable explicit vertical friction

enable_hor_friction = False

enable horizontal friction

enable_hor_diffusion = False

enable horizontal diffusion

enable_biharmonic_friction = False

enable biharmonic horizontal friction

enable_biharmonic_mixing = False

enable biharmonic horizontal mixing

enable_hor_friction_cos_scaling = False

scaling of hor. viscosity with cos(latitude)**cosPower

enable_ray_friction = False

enable Rayleigh damping

enable_bottom_friction = False

enable bottom friction

enable_bottom_friction_var = False

enable bottom friction with lateral variations

enable_quadratic_bottom_friction = False

enable quadratic bottom friction

enable_tempsalt_sources = False

enable restoring zones, etc

enable_momentum_sources = False

enable restoring zones, etc

enable_superbee_advection = False

enable advection scheme with implicit mixing

enable_conserve_energy = True

exchange energy consistently

enable_store_bottom_friction_tke = False

transfer dissipated energy by bottom/rayleig fric. to TKE, else transfer to internal waves

enable_store_cabbeling_heat = False

transfer non-linear mixing terms to potential enthalpy, else transfer to TKE and EKE

enable_noslip_lateral = False

enable lateral no-slip boundary conditions in harmonic- and biharmonic friction.

congr_epsilon = 1e-12

convergence criteria for Poisson solver

congr_max_iterations = 1000

maximum number of Poisson solver iterations

A_h = 0.0

lateral viscosity in m^2/s

K_h = 0.0

lateral diffusivity in m^2/s

r_ray = 0.0

Rayleigh damping coefficient in 1/s

r_bot = 0.0

bottom friction coefficient in 1/s

r_quad_bot = 0.0

qudratic bottom friction coefficient

hor_friction_cosPower = 3
A_hbi = 0.0

lateral biharmonic viscosity in m^4/s

K_hbi = 0.0

lateral biharmonic diffusivity in m^4/s

kappaH_0 = 0.0
kappaM_0 = 0.0

fixed values for vertical viscosity/diffusivity which are set for no TKE model

enable_neutral_diffusion = False

enable isopycnal mixing

enable_skew_diffusion = False

enable skew diffusion approach for eddy-driven velocities

enable_TEM_friction = False

TEM approach for eddy-driven velocities

K_iso_0 = 0.0

constant for isopycnal diffusivity in m^2/s

K_iso_steep = 0.0

lateral diffusivity for steep slopes in m^2/s

K_gm_0 = 0.0

fixed value for K_gm which is set for no EKE model

iso_dslope = 0.0008

parameters controlling max allowed isopycnal slopes

iso_slopec = 0.001

parameters controlling max allowed isopycnal slopes

enable_idemix = False
tau_v = 172800.0

time scale for vertical symmetrisation

tau_h = 1296000.0

time scale for horizontal symmetrisation

gamma = 1.57
jstar = 5.0

spectral bandwidth in modes

mu0 = 0.3333333333333333

dissipation parameter

enable_idemix_hor_diffusion = False
enable_eke_diss_bottom = False
enable_eke_diss_surfbot = False
eke_diss_surfbot_frac = 1.0

fraction which goes into bottom

enable_idemix_superbee_advection = False
enable_idemix_upwind_advection = False
enable_tke = False
c_k = 0.1
c_eps = 0.7
alpha_tke = 1.0
mxl_min = 1e-12
kappaM_min = 0.0
kappaM_max = 100.0
tke_mxl_choice = 1
enable_tke_superbee_advection = False
enable_tke_upwind_advection = False
enable_tke_hor_diffusion = False
K_h_tke = 2000.0

lateral diffusivity for tke

enable_eke = False
eke_lmin = 100.0

minimal length scale in m

eke_c_k = 1.0
eke_cross = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

eke_crhin = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

eke_c_eps = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

eke_k_max = 10000.0

maximum of K_gm

alpha_eke = 1.0

factor vertical friction

enable_eke_superbee_advection = False
enable_eke_upwind_advection = False
enable_eke_isopycnal_diffusion = False

use K_gm also for isopycnal diffusivity

enable_eke_leewave_dissipation = False
c_lee0 = 1.0
eke_Ri0 = 200.0
eke_Ri1 = 50.0
eke_int_diss0 = 5.787037037037037e-07
kappa_EKE0 = 0.1
eke_r_bot = 0.0

bottom friction coefficient

eke_hrms_k0_min = 0.0

min value for bottom roughness parameter

kappaH_min = 0.0

minimum value for vertical diffusivity

enable_Prandtl_tke = True

Compute Prandtl number from stratification levels in TKE routine

Prandtl_tke0 = 10.0

Constant Prandtl number when stratification is neglected for kappaH computation in TKE routine

use_io_threads = False

Start extra threads for disk writes

io_timeout = 20

Timeout in seconds while waiting for IO locks to be released

enable_netcdf_zlib_compression = True

Use netCDF4’s native zlib interface, which leads to smaller output files (but carries some computational overhead).

enable_hdf5_gzip_compression = True

Use h5py’s native gzip interface, which leads to smaller restart files (but carries some computational overhead).

restart_input_filename =

File name of restart input. If not given, no restart data will be read.

restart_output_filename = {identifier}_{itt:0>4d}.restart.h5

File name of restart output. May contain Python format syntax that is substituted with Veros attributes.

restart_frequency = 0

Frequency (in seconds) to write restart data

force_overwrite = False

Overwrite existing output files

pyom_compatibility_mode = False

Force compatibility to pyOM2 (even reproducing bugs and other quirks). For testing purposes only.

diskless_mode = False

Suppress all output to disk. Mainly used for testing purposes.

default_float_type = float64

Default type to use for floating point arrays (e.g. float32 or float64).